Tutorial 2: Numerical Optimisation using Genetic Algorithms

Building on the previous tutorial, in this tutorial we shall be using simple Genetic Algorithms once again, this time to minimise a series of numerical optimisation benchmark functions. In order to determine the minima of these functions, we make use of the floating point vector representation, used to represent fixed-length real-valued vectors.

This tutorial assumes:

  • You have a minimal knowledge of Julia.
  • You have completed the first tutorial.
  • You know how to construct a simple Genetic Algorithm using Wallace.

By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to:

  • Evolve fixed-length real-valued vectors.
  • Write a simple GA to solve multi-modal numerical optimisation problems.

The Problem

Benchmark Equation Minimum Search Domain
Sphere Sphere function Sphere function minimum Sphere function domain
Rastrigin Rastrigin function Rastrigin function A term Rastrigin function minimum Rastrigin function domain
Rosenbrock Rosenbrock function Rosenbrock minimum Rosenbrock domain

Basic Setup

For this problem we will be using a near-identical general setup to the one we used in the previous tutorial, given below.

Component Setting
Population Simple (single deme)
Breeder Simple (i.e. selection, crossover, mutation)
Species Simple (single representation)
Fitness Schema Scalar (float, minimisation)
Representation Float vector (length tailored to function)

Fitness Schema

As the objective for each of these benchmarks is to find the global minimum value for the function within the bounds of the search domain, our fitness schema should minimise a floating point value, representing the value of the function for a given set of co-ordinates.

  of:       Float
  maximise: false

Problem Representation

For each of these benchmark functions we will be optimising vectors of real numbers. In order to best represent these vectors we'll be using the floating point vector, which will represent each of the real values as a fixed-length floating point integer.

Here we can make use of the look-up operator within the Wallace specification language, $(), to create a specification tailored to our problem by allowing the length of the vector to be specified within the top-level problem_size property of the specification.

  length: $(problem_size)

As the scope of our search will be confined within a given search domain for each of the benchmark problems, we can specify the minimum and maximum value that any component within the vector may assume using the min_value and max_value properties.

Once again, we can use the look-up operator to allow the minimum and maximum values for all vector components to be specified at the top-level of the specification, allowing them be changed to suit our particular benchmark more easily.

  length: $(problem_size)
  min:    $(problem_min)
  max:    $(problem_max)

Breeding Operations

As our problem is a relatively simple one, we will once again use the breeder/simple breeder to generate the offspring for the population at each generation. Feel free to investigate and experiment with different selection, mutation and crossover operators, but for the rest of the tutorial we will be using the setup given below.

  selection<selection/tournament>: { size: 4 }
  crossover<selection/two_point>: { rate: 0.7 }
  mutation<mutation/gaussian>: { rate: 0.01, mean: 0.0, std: 1.0 }

To perform parent selection, we will be using the simple but effective method of tournament selection once again, wherein a pre-determined number of parental candidates are randomly selected from the population and put into a tournament to determine the best amongst them, which becomes selected as a parent. You could also try experimenting with other methods such as roulette wheel selection and stochastic universal sampling.

selection<selection/tournament>: { size: 4 }

For our method of crossing over parents to produce proto-offspring, we shall be using the two point crossover method. This method takes two vectors of equal length, and randomly selects two points, or loci, along the genome, before exchanging all genes between those two points across the two parents, generating two children. For this operator, the rate property specifies the probability that a crossover will occur during a call; if this event occurs, then the two parents are passed to the mutation operator unaltered.

crossover<crossover/two_point>: { rate: 0.7 }

Once again, there are a multitude of different crossover operators that could be effectively applied to our given problem, and we encourage you to experiment with as many as possible. To begin with, you could look into using one-point crossover again, as used in the previous tutorial, or you could use uniform crossover, which creates an offspring from two given parents on a locus-by-locus basis, randomly choosing whose gene to include at a given locus, or you could try something different altogether.

Finally, as our mutation operator, we're using gaussian mutation, which runs along a genome, and with a given probability, perturbs a gene by adding noise generated from a predefined normal distribution. Here we can alter the probability that a mutation event will occur at a given gene, via the rate property, or we can specify the parameters of our normal distribution using the mean and std properties.

  rate: 0.01
  mean: 0.0
  std:  1.0

Alternatively, we could use uniform mutation to sample a new floating point value within the search domain at a given locus, or we could implement our own noisy mutation operator, which could perturb genes using noise sampled from alternative probability distributions, such as the Poisson or Gamma distributions.


Finally, with our problem representation, breeding operations, and schema configured, we can provide the evaluator for our problem, responsible for calculating the fitness values of potential solutions. As mentioned before, the fitness of our individuals will be given by their function value for the particular problem we're trying to solve.

To calculate this function value and assign it as the fitness of individuals within the population we can make use of the same evaluator/simple evaluator that we used in the first tutorial.


To recap, this evaluator takes only two parameters: objective, which provides a definition for a Julia function capable of computing the fitness of a given individual, and threads, which instructs Wallace how many threads to split the evaluation workload across.

At this point our algorithm specification becomes specific to the particular benchmark we're attempting to optimise, as the objective of our evaluator will be different for them all. Below is an example of how the Sphere benchmark might be calculated using a Julia function.

  objective: |
    f = 0.0
    for x in get(i.genome)
      f += x*x
    fitness(scheme, f)

As in the first tutorial, we construct and return a fitness object for our individual using the fitness() function in combination with our schema, provided to the objective function by the scheme parameter. (This is possibly subject to change).

Running the Algorithm

After following the steps above, you should end up with an algorithm that looks similar to the one given below, except tailored to the numerical function you wish to optimise.

type: algorithm/evolutionary_algorithm

# Sphere function (n = 10)
problem_size: 10
problem_min:  0.0
problem_max:  1.0

  objective: |
    f = 0.0
    for x in get(i.genome)
      f += x*x
    fitness(scheme, f)

  evaluations<criterion/evaluations>: { limit: 10000 }

  fitness<fitness/scalar>: { of: Float, maximise: false }
    length: $(problem_size)
    min:    $(problem_min)
    max:    $(problem_max)

  selection<selection/tournament>: { size: 4 }
  crossover<crossover/two_point>: { rate: 0.7 }
  mutation<mutation/gaussian}: { rate: 0.01, mean: 0.0, std: 1.0 }

  size:     30
  breeder:  $(_my_breeder)
  species:  $(_my_species)

Starting with the Sphere problem, try running your algorithm on each of the benchmarks using a fixed number of evaluations, and attempt to determine an optimal set of operators and parameters common to all of them.

Statistics and visualisation

Plotting the results using Gadfly.jl